Сorporate education programs
Training programs are developed individually for the requirements of each customer enterprise.
Programs take into account the specifics of the business and corporate culture of the company.
Training programs allow to develop human resources and achieve business results at a lower cost.
Management by industries and areas of activity:
  1. Industrial management: strategic and operational management of an industrial enterprise
  2. Strategic and operational management of trade and service enterprises
  3. Strategic and operational management of the system of state and municipal government: project technologies
  4. Management and organization of the activities of an educational institution in the field of modern pedagogical technologies, etc.
Economy by branches and fields of activity:
  1. Management of the economic subsystem of an industrial enterprise (design bureau)
  2. Management of investment projects and formation of an industrial holding development program
  3. Management of the economic subsystem of a trade and service enterprise
  4. Organization and management of economic projects at the municipal level
  5. Technologies for managing the investment sphere of a municipality
  6. Technology management of financial and economic activities of an educational institution, etc.
HR management by industry and field of activity:
  1. Individual development plan in the personnel management system of a modern petrochemical enterprise
  2. Formation of professional competencies of municipal employees in the team building system
  3. Modern technologies of personnel management of an industrial enterprise
  4. Human resource management of trade and service enterprise
Business process management by industries and areas of activity:
  1. Modeling and management of the main business processes of the enterprise (by industry)
  2. Management of changes and processes of the transport and logistics system of the enterprise
  3. Organization and management of production processes at enterprises of the machine-building and military-industrial complex
  4. Business process management of trade and service enterprises
Features of corporate education programs
Our goal is to deliver value to our client through high-quality education programs
A practice-oriented approach based on modern knowledge in the field of management and economics. Practical classes are held in the form of business games, trainings, workshops.We are a leading firm in providing quality and value to our customers.
Individual approach
Individual approach to the learning process. The enterprise forms an individual learning path, taking into account the priorities of its professional activity.
This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
Among the business coaches are the current heads of enterprises, federal and regional ministries, managers of business organizations. Students get acquainted with the best practices and international experience
Within the framework of TurkSib, there is a "Business Club" - a community of management specialists, in which participants exchange knowledge and experience, jointly develop ways to solve complex real problems.
We care about our clients' time. Just let us know, and we will help you with all the questions.

For all questions, contact us in any convenient way:

E-mail: eurasia.turk.int@gmail.com

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e-mail us: eurasia.turk.int@gmail.com