Business services
EurasiaTurk - implements programs of trade, economic, investment and humanitarian cooperation between state, business and public structures of Russia and the states of the modern Eurasian space.
Organization of export-import deliveries
The success of your business directly depends on the reliability of the supplier. We are looking for a business partner. Counterparty check. We register a legal entity.
We provide foreign trade services to enterprises wishing to sell their products on the markets.
We provide professional logistics services.
Business translation services through authorized bureaus.
We conduct market research.
We provide trademark protection services, register trademarks.
We provide assistance in the certification of products in accordance with the requirements of the countries of the Eurasian space
Marketing research
Market research is the first step before discovering a new direction. EurasiaTurk has been developing business cooperation with the countries of Eurasia for more than
10 years and has a team of experienced professionals with expertise in a wide variety of markets, both raw and non-commodity.
Marketing research is needed to:
- Identify trends and best practices in the market, repeat successful experience.
- Get to know your potential customers, their needs, give them what they want.
- Launch more effective marketing campaigns: After all, marketing activities are about numbers, not creative advertising.
- Get the pricing right.
Finance and investment
It is possible to attract investors to the implementation of the project due to the high-quality preparation of pre-project documentation, detailed study of the business model of the project and its effective presentation.
Helping to structure and calculate the conditions and parameters of the investment project.
We carry out financial modeling of activities in order to establish the type of relationship between internal and external variables that affect the investment project using mathematical dependencies.
We assess the risks and sustainability of the investment project.
Legal support
We provide legal services for agreements, contracts and cooperation in the field of commercial law, provide legal support to enterprises, conduct due diligence of a partner in foreign trade activities. We carry out legal structuring of the international project.
Preparation of initial drafts of investment project documentation in cooperation with legal advisors.
We will prepare and agree with both parties of all necessary contracts.
Integrated Marketing Communications
It is possible to effectively present the activities of a company, organization in Russia and in foreign markets, thereby increasing interest in ongoing projects, products and services provided, thanks to the professional PR support of EurasiaTurk.
We take a strategic approach to integrating communications and interactive experiences, using multi-channel digital marketing.
Representation in the countries of the Eurasian space
To promote your business in the Eurasian market, EurasiaTurk provides opportunities for organizing a representative office of your company in the country. With a minimum of costs, you can open a representative office of your company on the basis of existing commercial structures - EurasiaTurk partners in the countries of the Eurasian space.
Research projects and programs
We publish the scientific and practical journal "Eurasian Space: Economics, Management, Development Institutions"
We carry out scientific research in the following areas:
Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in the Modern Eurasian Space
Theory and practice of the development of the Eurasian space
Methodological analysis and forecasting of security types of socio-economic systems of the modern Eurasian space
Philosophy of management of modern economic complexes and systems, etc.
"EurasiaTurk" provides comprehensive support for the implementation of commercial projects, the launch of products and services to the markets of Russia, Turkey and the countries of the Eurasian space, promotes business and brands in new markets.
For all questions, contact us in any convenient way:


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