XII International Economic congress

"Economics and politics of the Eurasian space: present and future"

22-23 may 2024

Istanbul (Turkey)

Сongress Goals

- analysis and forecasting of changes in the global civilizational dynamics of the states of the modern Eurasian space for the foreseeable future;
- development, analysis and assessment of the security situation, issues of threshold values for the economic security of states in the modern Eurasian space;
- practical development of mechanisms for the formation of development institutions in all spheres of public life of the states of the modern Eurasian space;
- formation of a development strategy for enterprises and organizations, universities and business schools, chambers of commerce and industry, professional associations, state and municipal authorities and management, expert and think tanks of the states of the modern Eurasian space by combining their potentials and forming strategic interaction in economic, political, social and sociocultural spheres.
Congress Tasks

- development of organizational and management mechanisms and a model for the functioning and development of the economic system of the Eurasian space in modern realities;
- forecasting the development of economic-regional systems of the states of the Eurasian space, taking into account geopolitical and geo-economic scenarios for the foreseeable period;
- modern strategic analysis and forecasting of challenges, risks and threats to the development and security of the states of the Eurasian space, modeling the threshold values of their economic security;
- analysis of contradictions and search for ways of joint growth through the generation of joint projects and programs of the states of the modern Eurasian space in the economic, social, political and socio-cultural spheres;
- nationally oriented business education as a resource for the development of the economic model of the states of the modern Eurasian space.

Thematic program of the

XII International Economic Congress

"Economics and politics of the Eurasian space: present and future"

22-23 May 2024

Istanbul (Turkey), Istanbul Esenyurt University, Zafer Mah. Adile Nasit Bulvari No:1

Section 1.
Geopolitical and geo-economic forecasting scenarios of sustainable development of the states of the modern Eurasian space
Section 2.
Analysis and modeling of threshold values of economic security of the states of the modern Eurasian space
Section 3.
Eurasian Dialogue: from the crisis of ideas to real projects and programs
Section 4.
Development strategies as the most important resource for the economic model of the states of the modern Eurasian space

Thematic blocks of the XII Congress

Sections 1 and 2, 3 – scientific, scientific-practical and expert support of the
Congress, consisting of scientific and scientific-practical reports, messages and presentations on the results of economic, political, social, socio-cultural research.

Section 4 – information and analytical support for the congress, consisting of thematic and industry reports, presentations, development strategies of enterprises and organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, professional associations, universities and business schools of the states of the modern Eurasian space.

Based on the results of the Congress, will be published:

1. Electronic collection of materials with scientific and analytical articles (*.pdf format) The collection is assigned an ISBN, doi. Each participant is issued a certificate of participation, a certificate of implementation is available upon request.

2. Electronic catalog of presentations of projects of congress participants.

Organizers of the 12th International Economic Congress

"SSCM" University
Istanbul Esenyurt University

Strategic partners

"EurasiaTurk" International Higher School of Management
Association "Eurasian Meridian"
MOST Business Cooperation Association
Belgrade Business School

Participants of the XII International Economic Congress:

State and municipal authorities and management, universities and business schools, chambers of commerce and industry, professional associations, political, business and scientific circles, the expert community of the states of the Eurasian space:
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Russia, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Belarus, Turkey, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Northern Cyprus, Cyprus, Greece, North Macedonia and other states
Forums organized and conducted by "SSCM" in the states of the modern Eurasian space
The First Lena Investment Forum – Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Lensk, Mirny

The Second Lena Investment Forum – Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Lensk, Mirny

The Third Lena Investment Forum – Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Lensk, /Mirny

The Fourth Lena Investment Forum – Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Lensk, Mirny
4 Lena Investment Forum
"Managing the development of diamond regions"
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Lensk, 2018)
Scientific and practical conferences
Conferences organized and conducted by "SSCM" and its strategic partners
1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "Business Development Management in the Regional Economy System" –
Russia (Omsk, 2012)

2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Managing the Development of Economic and Regional Systems – Eurasian Perspective" - Turkey (Istanbul, 2013)

3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Management of the development of the regions of the Eurasian space: State, problems, prospects" - Serbia (Belgrade, 2014)

4th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development Management of the Western Yakutia Region and the Arctic Zone: Global Challenges, projects and Programs" - Lensk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia 2014
Conferences organized and conducted by "SSCM" and its strategic partners
5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Management of the development of the regions of the Eurasian space: Development institutions, investment policy, growth opportunities" - Turkey (Istanbul, 2015)

6th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Management of the Development of economic and Regional systems: Eurasian Perspective" - Republic of North Macedonia (Skopje, Stip, 2016)

7th International Scientific and Practical conference "Management of Economic and Regional Systems in the Eurasian Space: Development institutes, geo-economics of security, humanitarian technologies" - Bosnia and Herzegovina (Banja Luka, 2017)

8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Eurasian Space: Geo-economics security and Development of the Eurasian Space, Russian-Bosnian Dialogue" Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, 2018)
3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Management of the development of the regions of the Eurasian space: status, problems, prospects"
Serbia (Belgrade, 2014)
8th International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Modern Eurasian Space: Geo-economics, security and development of the Eurasian space, Russian-Bosnian dialogue"
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, 2018)
Conferences organized and conducted by "SSCM" and its strategic partners

The Ninth Economic Forum "Management of Economic and Regional Systems in the Eurasian Space: Development Institutes, Geo-economics of Security, Humanitarian Technologies" - Turkey (Istanbul, 2020) With the participation of Russia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Montenegro, Albania

The Tenth Economic Forum "Eurasia – the Territory of the Future" - Turkey (Istanbul, 2021) With the participation of Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania

The Eleventh International Symposium "The Caucasus on the Geopolitical Atlas of Modern Eurasia" - Azerbaijan (Baku, 2023)
Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul Esenyurt University

Zafer Mah. Adile Nasit Bulvari No:1
Phone number: + 7 962 058 30 62 WhatsApp
E-mail: pcg.eurasia@gmail.com
Official languages: English, Russian, Turkish